Industrial Projects
Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Tender Documents.
Ancillary buildings: Administration building, store, guard room, substation
Surrounding area:
- Medium Voltage Networks 11.8 KW, Low Voltage Networks 220V
- Lighting
- Communication and security networks
- Potable water and wastewater networks

Ιnform Lykos S.A. Factory in Koropi with New Production Areas and Printing Machines Area of total surface 1700 m2 (2009)
Inform Lykos S.A. Factory in Bucharest (Construction Supervision) (2007)
Industry in National Road Thessaloniki – Veroia, 3.500 m2 *
Delta S.A. Yogurt Factory*

Delta S.A. Ice Cream Deep Freeze Installation 10000 m2 , Agios Stefanos, Attica*
Industrial Park in Hania 110 Industries, Art Village**

Industrial Park in Kalamata 64 Industrial units **

Aluminium manufacturing plant, 9.000 m2, Alexandroupoli
Sema Mamfredas S.A. Spinning Mill, 15000 spindles, Xanthi*
Juice Production Factory, Thessaloniki**
Cement Factory’s Building Complex, Camari, Viotia**
Spinning Mill, Stilida**
* Participation : 30%, ** Participation : 50%, *** Participation : 70%